Welcome to Episode 39 of my “Travel Tales From Beyond The Brochure” podcast.
In this episode I talk about the region of the UK I currently live in – the so-called “People’s Republic of South Yorkshire”. I’ve looked before at Hometown Travel, but of course my hometown has moved since then. One of the things I always like to do is learn as much about where I’m living as possible, because everywhere is interesting, yes, but also I think it’s only kind of … respectful? Like, if you’re going to be spending a large amount of your daily life in a place, it’s nice to to what’s around, rather than just spending your day at work and home without seeing what’s just around the corner.
As an aside, this may be my longest episode yet; it certainly felt like it when I was writing it.
Specific topics discussed in this episode include:
- Happy Easter/Passover/Ostara/Holi
- Everything we do can make a difference to someone
- My everyday life is very boring at the moment
- South Yorkshire is small but very populated
- Ancient history of South Yorkshire – from the iron age to the Romans
- Life on the borderlands
- Castles and Outlaws
- The industrial revolution – steel, coal, water, and flooding
- The rise of Trades Unions
- “The People’s Republic Of South Yorkshire”
- It’s the end of the world as we know it
- Trees and Sports
- Experience Barnsley
- Music
- Quirky little places you may not know
- What it feels like to have moved here as an adult
- The Dearne Valley, past and present
- The Great Outdoors including the Peak District
- I’m not the only barefoot runner in Sheffield
You can listen via the feed above, or via Spotify, or on your podcast app of choice. Let me know if it isn’t, by the way, and I’ll see what I can do. In addition, a PDF transcript of this episode is available by clicking here.
As always, if you have anything to say about the topic, or indeed about my podcasting in general, leave a comment or let me know. There is a Facebook group for my podcast that you’re free to join: Click here!
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Contributions in this episode come from:
- Author Judith Watkins
- Writer, editor & creative coach Letty Butler
- Annie, who posts pictures on Instagram at No Hurry Be Happy
- Author Stephen Mellor
- Bea and Green; Bea can be found at YES Parenting, and
- Punk Poet Christina Hogg, some early work from whom can be found on Bandcamp