Hiking in Ardnamurchan

Ardnamurchan is a peninsula in the far west of Scotland, lying about halfway up, kind of…

Podcast #033: Kinder Scout

Welcome to Episode 33 of my “Travel Tales From Beyond The Brochure” podcast. This episode is…

Rottnest Island Day Trip

On my first visit to Western Australia, I took a day trip from Fremantle to Rottnest…

Podcast #010: Hike Across Great Britain

Welcome to Episode 10 of my “Travel Tales From Beyond The Brochure” podcast. As you probably…

My First Wild Camp Experience

I did my first wild camp ever last weekend, and, yeh, I don’t know if any…

Podcast #006: The Great Outdoors

Welcome to Episode 6 of my “Travel Tales From Beyond The Brochure” podcast. This time I’m…

Hiking Across Great Britain

… So, I may have committed to doing something somewhat epic, and equally very very silly.…

Hiking the Volcanoes on Ambrym

Ah, Ambrym. The reason why I went to Vanuatu in the first place. Because while there…

Trekking on Malekula

“At top of hill now. You want stop for rest?” asked Jojo, our guide (*). We…

Winter Hill – Unseasonable Climbing

It’s funny – no matter where I am in the world, I always feel a bit…