Welcome to Episode 26 of my “Travel Tales From Beyond The Brochure” podcast. This week’s podcast…
Category: Africa
Ah, Africa. The first continent I set foot in outside of home, and a place that keeps drawing me back. Over the course of my backpacking/travelling life I’ve been to several distinct regions: the Maghreb, parts of West Africa, Ethiopia, and a trail through the centre of southern Africa.
Despite this, there’s still a lot I’ve never been to that intrigues me. On these posts I give an overview of my adventures of backpacking in Africa. I find religion and meet up with some elephants. Then I cross troublesome borders (sometimes due to my own ineptitude) and come face to face with colonial legacies. I explore the history we’re not taught about in British schools. And I chase waterfalls and find that, even here, climbing hills doesn’t necessarily lead to great views.
The Sani Pass
Bloody obvious with hindsight, but let me just reiterate the point, so no other backpacker tries…
Apartheid and discrimination in South Africa
When I mentioned about Apartheid on my Twitter timeline, I assumed it was a reference that…
Perceptions of Soweto
Soweto. South West Township. Somewhat boring name, but those six letters encompass so much about recent…
Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe is the largest ruined civilisation you have never heard of. Part of the ruins…
The Matapos and Cecil Rhodes
It’s hard to talk about Africa and not mention colonialism; its effects down here in Southern…
A Day Trip to Chobe National Park
Botswana – cue images of hippos, elephants, and crocodiles, easily visible on a luxury safari. When…
A Day Trip to Victoria Falls, Zambia
To most people, the name “Victoria Falls” conjures up an image of a vast cascade of…
Livingstone: The Town, The Man, The Tree
The heat hit me as soon as I stepped off the plane. Tentatively hopping across the…
Podcast #014: Travelling in West Africa (Part Two)
Welcome to Episode 14 of my “Travel Tales From Beyond The Brochure” podcast. I’m still a…